I Love Selling Cars

Where else can you get a job that allows you to drive all different kinds of new and used cars from sports cars to 4 wheel drive trucks with people that want to buy them? Then after you go for a ride you sit down with that person and talk about their interest in buying the vehicle. Sometimes they offer to buy the vehicle and sometimes they don’t. You both talk about the offer and if the dealership accepts their offer you made a sale. Depending on the dealership, the vehicle and the customer you could earn anywhere from $100 to $2000 or more. Now that’s what I call a job, I love selling cars.

Sounds pretty great doesn’t it? I may have exaggerated a little, but that is the long and short of selling cars for a living. People that come to automobile dealerships come there because they want to buy cars and they need car salesmen to sell them cars. That is one of the main reasons why I love selling cars. The customers come to you, you don’t have to chase them down, call them or anything else. They come to the dealer and talk to you, the car salesman about buying a car. Your job is to show them a car, go for a ride in a nice car and then talk to them about buying that car. Then you work out a few details and cha-ching you sold a car.

Ok, there is a downside to selling cars and that downside is that there aren’t always customers lining up to buy cars. So when you don’t have a customer you can swap stories with your car salesman friends and co-workers, tell jokes, check out the new and used cars and wait for a customer to come and see you about purchasing a vehicle. The customers come, they always do. Some days there are more customers than others, but they always come because the dealership will advertise in the newspaper, on the radio or television to keep a steady stream of potential auto buyers coming to the dealership to buy cars from their car salesmen. Wouldn’t you love selling cars too?

But Seriously, I Love Selling Cars

Being a car salesman can be a great job, may be not as easy as I described it above, but it’s not labor intensive or physically demanding and you can earn as much money as you desire. Quite a few automobile sales people earn a six figure income as a car salesman. However you do need to process some paperwork, demonstrate vehicles to customers, go for test drives and negotiate the price and terms of the vehicle you are trying to sell. You will also need to follow up with customers you have sold to make sure they are happy and get the ones to come back if you did not sell them. It’s a bit like having a business of your and own which is another one of the reasons I love selling automobiles.

When you find yourself needing a good job or you are thinking about a career change you ought to consider being a car salesman. There is a little more to selling automobiles than I covered here, but for the right person it can be a great career. I may be a little biased, but I really do love selling cars.

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The Brushless DC Motor And Its Use In Electrical Automobiles

Mon Jan 8 , 2024
If you happen to plan to live with a automobile for a very long time, reliability means every little thing whenever you store on the used market. Significantly, the interest in magnet kind motors has been elevated together with the improvements in the options of the magnet supplies. The applications […]
The Brushless DC Motor And Its Use In Electrical Automobiles

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